
For self-published authors: new advertising method

Authorhouse has just contracted Lavidge Social Media Publicists to help me learn the ropes of social media. It was going to cost just as much to obtain one review from New York Review of Books. This contract is supposed to train me how to use multiple social media outlets to promote my books. My personal Publicist is Michelle Flor. Most of our contact so far has been by email, but she did call me on June 6th. She is late on developing the plan, but she just today sent me a letter of explanation.  In Michelle’s words “Also the Social Media Campaign is aimed to help you be able to handle social media, that way you have a better grasp on the trends and able to reach and promote your books.”  I think I should be encouraged. I have done a lot of presenting my work on Facebook and Goodreads. and I have Author Profiles on Amazon and Goodreads, but the sales are starting out slow (10.3 books per month). Hopefully Michelle will help me spread the word!

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